The Challenge
"New Ways from A to B for Barbie & Ken
Barbie and Ken definitely need a mobility upgrade. The power couple got rid of their oh-so-trendy convertible from back in the 1980s and are now looking for future means of transport. To make matters worse for Barbie, her high-heels wrecked her feet permanently so she can’t walk long distances anymore. Technology is racing and Barbie shouldn’t lack behind!"
Our Solution

Photo by Jakob Weber
Wrecking Ball Public Pendulum
Based on a prior mobility study (Cyrus 2013), the “Wrecking Ball Public Pendulum” strives to set foot into the market of mass transportation. A missed opportunity! Commuters enter the wrecking ball at one of several hop-on / hop-off stations. From there they can freely swing to their desired destination. According to inventors Annika Engelhardt and Chang Park, the “Wrecking Ball Public Pendulum” is best enjoyed in revealing clothing since the inevitable airstream causes a nice tickling sensation on the skin.

Other Solutions

Rainbow-Chasing Unicorn by Maria & Marianna
Have a look at what our classmates came up with: https://lab.moovel.com/projects/wrkshp-mobility-insights-for-barbie
The Response

The projects were exhibited in the course of a Barbie Party at Gallery Flut in May 2016 as well as at the Maker Faire Hannover 2016.

This project by Annika Engelhardt and Chang Park was part of the "How Barbie gets from A to B" seminar by Niklas Roy at University of Arts Bremen. The workshop was funded by moovel lab. Here you can find other works from this seminar: https://lab.moovel.com/projects/wrkshp-mobility-insights-for-barbie